
SDFR Disclosures

Sustainability-related disclosures

Mä Management GmbH (“Mä”) is an alternative investment fund manager within the meaning of the German Investment Code (Kapitalanlagegesetzbuch, KAGB) and as such publishes the following information in light of the consideration of sustainability-related aspects in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on sustainability disclosure requirements in the financial services sector (the “SFDR”).

Article 3 SFDR – Sustainability risk policies statement

Mä addresses sustainability risks in its investment decision-making process insofar as relevant. ‘Sustainability risk’ means an environmental, social, or governance event or condition that, if it occurs, could cause an actual or a potential material negative impact on the value of the investment. When identifying a sustainability risk during the due diligence on potential investments, Mä decides in light of the specific situation taking due account of the proportionality principle whether it gives up on the investment or proceeds with the investment alongside appropriate measures to mitigate the relevant sustainability risk. Mä regularly reviews its policies to ensure that they address new and emerging risks as well as investors’ concerns. 

Article 4 SFDR – No consideration of adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors

Mä does not consider principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors. ‘Sustainability factors’ mean environmental, social, and employee matters, respect for human rights, and anti‐corruption and anti‐bribery matters. Mä does not use sustainability indicators. Considering the numerous legal uncertainties currently related to the application of the provisions of the SFDR and the Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) – in particular with respect to the consideration of adverse impacts – and the administrative burden resulting from such uncertainties, Mä is not in a position to commit to such standard in light of its fiduciary duty to the Mä Fund I and its investors. Mä will constantly monitor and review the evolution around such regulations and standards and considers changing its position on adverse impacts once (i) a best practice has evolved among market participants, (ii) there is clear guidance by the administrations on the application of such regulations and (iii) the consequences of a commitment towards the consideration of principal adverse impacts are reasonably clear to Mä 

Article 5 SFDR – Remuneration Disclosure

As a registered alternative investment fund manager within the meaning of KAGB and the EuVECA-Regulation, Mä does not have and does not need to have a remuneration guideline or policy in accordance with the requirements of the KAGB. Sustainability risks are not considered with respect to the determination of remuneration.

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Article 10 SFDR – sustainability-related information about financial products that promote environmental or social characteristics. 

Mä Management GmbH (“Mä”) is the alternative investment fund manager of Mä Fund I GmbH & Co.KG (the “Mä Fund I”) within the meaning of the German Investment Code (Kapitalanlagegesetzbuch, KAGB) and the EuVECA-Regulation and as such publishes the following information in light of the consideration of sustainability-related aspects in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on sustainability disclosure requirements in the financial services sector (the “SFDR”). 


This financial product promotes environmental or social characteristics but does not have as its objective a sustainable investment. The promoted characteristics are investment restrictions. 100% of the investments will be in line with its investment strategy and investment restrictions. No reference benchmark has been designated to attain the environmental or social characteristics promoted by the financial product. 

Zusammenfassung: Dieses Finanzprodukt bewirbt ökologische oder soziale Merkmale, strebt aber keine nachhaltigen Investitionen im Sinne der Definition des Art. 2 Nr. 17 SFDR an. Bei den beworbenen Merkmalen handelt es sich um Ausschlusskriterien. 100% der Investitionen werden im Einklang mit der Anlagestrategie und den Anlagebeschränkungen getätigt.
Es wurde kein Referenzwert benannt, um die mit dem Finanzprodukt beworbenen ökologischen oder sozialen Merkmale zu erreichen. 

No sustainable investment objective

This financial product promotes environmental or social characteristics, but does not have as its objective sustainable investment.

Environmentalor social characteristics of the financial product

The Mä Fund I aims to address societal and environmental needs through a sustainable business model innovation combining advantage and value for shareholders and environmental and social benefits for stakeholders.

To create environmental and social benefits for stakeholders the Mä Fund I promotes:

Further promoted characteristics of this product are investment restrictions.

The Mä Fund I may not invest in sectors that are not in line with Mä’s pursuit of a responsible investment philosophy, including (but not limited to) investments related to the following: (i) production and distribution of weapons, ammunition and armaments (excluding so-called dual-use goods); (ii) pornography and the adult entertainment industry; (iii) manufacture and distribution of tobacco products; (iv) extraction of critical raw materials (CRM), (v) production and distribution of genetically modified organisms (GMO); (vi) gambling, in particular the operation of internet gambling or online casinos; (vii) production of nuclear energy or essential components for the production of nuclear energy; (viii) extraction of natural gas or petroleum by fracking, and extraction of petroleum from tar sands; or (ix) other extraction of petroleum or coal.

With regard to investment decisions of the Mä Fund I, Mä shall take into account the reputational interests of the Investors. In particular, the Mä Fund I may not acquire any direct or indirect shareholdings or other investments in a company where, on the basis of information publicly available on the World Wide Web or in the national press, or on the basis of investigations conducted with due diligence prior to an investment, it is proven or there is a substantial, well-founded suspicion that the respective company: (i) uses or supports child labor or forced labor; (ii) persistently discriminates against people on the basis of gender, ethnic origin, disability, nationality, political opinion, religious affiliation, social origin or sexual orientation; (iii) significantly impedes trade union activities or permanently violates employee rights as measured by the labor standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO); (iv) violates environmental law requirements in a significant manner (in particular by causing irreversible environmental damage); (v) persistently or materially violates anti-corruption regulations; (vi) pursues illegal activities as the object of its business operations; (vii) materially violates the UN Global Compact; or (viii) materially violates human rights as defined in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 

Investment strategy

The Mä Fund I intends to seek long-term capital appreciation through equity and quasi-equity investments in European early-stage technology companies with a focus on deep tech in the fields of industry, services, mobility and living. The Mä Fund I will have a strong regional focus on Baden-Württemberg.

No investments are made in the area of exclusions. As part of the due diligence and ongoing investment management, the investment team for the Mä Fund I will initially and continuously monitor whether the investment restrictions are abided by and whether the investment falls within the investment policies.

Policy to assess good governance practices of the investee companies

Good governance practices include sound management structures, employee relations, remuneration of staff and tax compliance. As part of the due diligence and ongoing investment management, the investment team will review whether a potential investee company has good governance practices in place.

Proportion of investments

The Mä Fund I will invest fully in line with its investment strategy and investment restrictions. The Mä Fund I will not invest a portion of its capital in any other asset class. 

Monitoring of environmental or social characteristics

The investment team for the Mä Fund I will initially and continuously monitor whether the investment restrictions are abided by and whether the investment falls within the investment policies. The Mä Fund I will not make any investment in the excluded sectors unless previously approved by the advisory committee. Therefore, the achievement of the promoted ESG aspects – no investment within the excluded sectors – can be tracked in a simple way. 

Methodologies for environmental or social characteristics

The Mä Fund I will collect information through an ESG & Impact Questionnaire during the Due Diligence process and continuously after an investment. The collected information will be compared to the initial and previous results to measure the attainment of environmental and social benefits for stakeholders as described above. The exclusion list is used to measure how the social or environmental characteristics promoted by the financial product are met. 

Data sources and processing

The Mä Fund I receives data provided by the portfolio companies as part of the due diligence process and at regular intervals after the investment. Where necessary or beneficial, the Mä Fund I also makes use of publicly available data. Data processing is exclusively internal and DSGVO compliant. Estimates of data are not made. 

Limitations to methodologies and data

Mä is partly reliant on the information provided by portfolio companies during the due diligence process. Moreover, in the post-investment phase, the Mä Fund I is reliant on the company’s reported data. In both cases, complete data may not always be available due to the nature of investments. The information is verified only if and to the extent, misrepresentations are suspected. Since the Mä Fund I investments are made for a multi-year investment period, Mä places a high priority on establishing a trusting working relationship with the portfolio companies to ensure that data is submitted reliably and completely and that the above restrictions are met. Due Diligence Mä considers the promoted ESG aspects when sourcing new portfolio companies for the Mä Fund I and during the due diligence on targeted portfolio companies. The due diligence is performed by obtaining all information relevant to Mä using a due diligence questionnaire, which is then reviewed internally. If necessary, further specific information is also obtained from the potential portfolio companies, should this still be necessary after the detailed questioning. The due diligence process is not externally monitored.

Engagement policies

The Mä Fund I invests in the portfolio companies for a period of several years. Therefore, Mä makes it a priority to establish and maintain a trusting working relationship with the portfolio companies in order to continuously comply with the investment restrictions. Mä thus also intends to establish or strengthen the consideration of sustainability risks at the portfolio level. Mä is inconstant dialogue with the portfolio companies, but as a venture capitalist without majority ownership, the influence Mä can exert on the portfolio companies is limited. 

Last Version: April1st, 2023